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Our Past Events

Mentorship Program

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QSA x FinS Mentorship Program

The QSA x FinS Mentorship Program pairs working professionals with LGBTQ university students to help guide them in their transition from studies to work.


Now in its 15th Year! Please scan our QR code or email us for more info:

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July in KTown

Tuesday 16 July

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Tuesday 18 August

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Come Chill With Us

Tuesday 21 May

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Happy Pride 2024!

Tuesday 18 June

Pink Alliance enjoys association with a number of other organisations that have similar values and objectives to ours. We officially recognise these organisations as Allies.

Allies are invited to our meetings and events and are kept informed of our policies but are completely independent of Pink Alliance. They are involved in many of our activities, and, in turn, Pink Alliance supports them in carrying out their own activities.

Those we are proud to call our Allies at the moment include

Our Allies

Aids Concern Logo
Harmonics Logo
Ernst  And Young Logo
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Artisan Cocktails & Stunning Views

Win Cocktail & Seafood Weekend Brunch x 2

Tuesday 24 September

7-10 PM

Venue:  AVOCA

38/F, Hotel Mondrian,  8A Hart Avenue, TST

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